Statement on Racist Threats Made to Drake Students

The DMARC Food Pantry Network assists 17,000 individuals every single month with the support of hundreds of religious and non-religious groups. We know that great things are possible when we do this work together. And in order to work together, it is vital for us to grow in awareness, foster appreciation, and build relationship across difference. Therefore, it is a priority of our work to create opportunities for education and connection, especially when it comes to religious diversity. Drake University has been a partner in our work to build a community of admiration, trust, connection, and engagement in this metro area. We have been so honored to work with the students, staff, and faculty of Drake over the years in service learning opportunities, class partnerships, and the Comparison Project.

Recent threats made against students of color on the Drake campus confirm that this work is necessary-and make it clear that we have still have so much left to do. We denounce efforts by white supremacist groups and others to divide our community and create a climate of fear. We are heartened by a bold response of the Drake Administration and their partnership with student leaders. We commit to walking with Drake in our existing and new future efforts to build the community that we hope Greater Des Moines will one day be.


Students have organized a Do Better. Rally Together. rally tomorrow, November 14, at 12:00pm on the Drake campus at Helmick Commons. All are encouraged to attend.

Facebook Event

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