Volunteer Spotlight: Connie Richards

As an effort to better acknowledge all the hard work our dedicated volunteers put in to help us meet our mission, DMARC is spotlighting their hard work!

This month, we’re recognizing Connie Richards for her help volunteering with our Red Barrel Program and Mobile Food Pantry!

Why do you volunteer with DMARC?
To tell you the truth I don’t have the money to donate but I can donate my time and it doesn’t hurt my soul to do it. I enjoy it!

How long have you been volunteering with DMARC?
Since 2013, I started with the Red Barrel Program and also helped out with the mobile pantry (Canterbury Heights). I have volunteered with the Red Barrel Program for 7 years and will soon go back to helping out at the mobile on Mondays.

What responsibilities do you have as a volunteer for DMARC?
Picking up and dropping off food items from the Red Barrel at a Brick Street Market every week. Counting items. Interacting with the employees at the store. Making sure the barrel is in good condition. Letting the volunteer manager know of any changes or concerns.

What is your favorite thing about volunteering with DMARC, or do you have a favorite memory of volunteering with DMARC?
I enjoy all of it! I’m glad that people appreciate it and need it. It helps their lives out. It doesn’t hurt someone to volunteer. It’s good for your soul and you are helping someone else. I have enjoyed working with the mobile staff, we get along very well. Joe, John, Patrick, Andrew, and Becky, and all of DMARC staff are great people and make volunteering so much more enjoyable.

Why should others consider volunteering with DMARC?
Others should volunteer for DMARC because it never hurts to give a little to people in need. To help where there is a need, if we can we all should. We are all able to be up and moving and we should do for those who can’t. The time is worthwhile!! Time spent with staff and pantry visitors is worth it! People are always very appreciative and it’s great to be a part of that.

1 Reply to "Volunteer Spotlight: Connie Richards"

  • Carla
    March 18, 2021 (9:26 pm)

    So proud of you Connie! Love your giving ❤️ heart!