We Need Your Help

DMARC is seeing something alarming – double-digit and consecutive increases in usage of our Food Pantry Network. But with no parallel increase in contributions, we have the perfect storm. And we don’t see an end in sight.

We need your help. DMARC cannot continue to meet the need without leaders like you. Won’t you consider providing a gift to support DMARC today?

Your gift will be used immediately to help individuals and families right here in our community, purchasing up to six times more food than an in-kind contribution.

Every dollar you donate means so much. Recently one of our partner pantries shared a note of thanks, which is a testament to YOU and your generosity to DMARC:

You were there for that person who really needed you. You will be there for the next one who walks in the door. Your time, your smiles, your heart. Thank you. Each month the food pantry helps us stretch what we have and adds different touches. Thank you.

Another family, refugees new to both our community and the United States, uses DMARC’s Food Pantry Network to find the fresh fruits and vegetables that they are most accustomed to, but can be so costly here. Weekly, they visit DMARC’s Mobile Food Pantry to get these food items, staple ingredients in their meals. Without YOU they would not have this option.

YOU can help DMARC continue to make a real difference to people in our community, people who are working, doing their best, but still need help to feed their family healthy and nutritious food.

Donate Today

DMARC By the Numbers

The numbers tell the story!

Monthly increases in usage compared to 2017:

April 2018

March 2018

February 2018

January 2018

increase in contributions

Food Pantry Network visits in FY 2016-2017

Food Pantry Network partners & Mobile Food Pantry sites

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