DMARC Statement on Hostage Situation at Congregation Beth Israel

The Des Moines Area Religious Council (DMARC) stands with the Jewish community of Colleyville, Texas, and with the wider Jewish community of Greater Des Moines, the state of Iowa, and the world. While we are relieved that all four hostages were physically unharmed, Saturday’s hostage situation at Congregation Beth Israel is just the latest example of the rising levels of antisemitism our nation is experiencing. No one should feel unsafe in practicing their faith or attending a house of worship. DMARC condemns all acts of religious hatred and violence. From slurs and ...

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DMARC Statement on Bomb Threat at Burns United Methodist Church

This weekend, DMARC was saddened to learn about the bomb threat directed at Burns United Methodist Church, a Historically Black Church that has been a part of our community for over 150 years. This threat is not one that should be taken lightly. Throughout our nation’s history, Black churches have been the targets of racist intimidation and violence through bombings, arsons, and shootings. And as we have seen, these threats continue to this very day. It is imperative that we call out racism and religious bigotry whenever and wherever we witness them, and refuse these ...

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by Tara Leigh Kramer. A shorter version of this article first appeared in the Nov/Dec/Jan 2021-2022 issue of The Voice. One definition of the word "opportunity" is "a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something." I fell ill, and my symptoms became profound. I lost the ability to eat and digest food properly. The malnourishment and weight loss changed my appearance drastically. My brain wasn't functioning the way it had before. I was confused by everything and lost the ability to communicate. I lost the ability to advocate for myself, and nobody I ...

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Marisol’s Story

by Leslie Garman, Director of Development & Outreach "If you were here right now, I'd give you a hug!" No, I'm not the one saying that; Marisol, a DMARC food pantry visitor is. And she's saying it because she's grateful—to you. Thanks to you and your support, the DMARC Food Pantry Network continues to serve as a safety net for our community's most vulnerable, including women like Marisol, who are doing their best to make ends meet and provide for both themselves and their family. And Marisol's story is all too common. She is just one of the 58,700 unique ...

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Support DMARC this Season of Giving

Looking for a way to give back this holiday season? You can support DMARC during the month of December with our Season of Giving Calendar (31 days) or Advent Calendar (24 days). From donating funds and food to learning more about DMARC and the issue of food insecurity to advocating with your community and elected officials, there are a lot of ways to stay engaged with DMARC this holiday season! Both calendars are available below for download. Instructions for each day are on the second page. Don't forget to reach out and share your experience with us once you've ...

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Staff Spotlight: Michael Sirois

Get to know DMARC Warehouse Associate Michael Sirois! What drew you to DMARC originally, and how has it changed since then? Well to be honest, I got a text from Andrew (another member of the DMARC team) asking me if I was looking for a job. And, well, long story short, I said yes. That is how I got drawn to DMARC. What do you like most about working at DMARC? What I really like most about working at DMARC is the fact that we are not afraid to change for the better. We are always looking for better ways to meet the needs of the people we serve. What is your ...

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DMARC Honors the Life of Forrest Harms

Rev. Forrest Harms, former Executive Director of the Des Moines Area Religious Council, passed away on November 5 at the age of 79. Harms served as Executive Director of DMARC for 17 years, from January 1990 to July 2007. Rev. Harms was dedicated to the interfaith mission of DMARC, and worked to create opportunities for interfaith learning through the January Thaw adult education series and interfaith panels, forums, and worship services. In 1992, he created the DMARC Interfaith Service Awards Luncheon to honor congregations and organizations who demonstrated a shared ...

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DMARC Launches Mobile Food Pantry at CareMore Health with $10,000 Donation from Amerigroup Foundation

The Des Moines Area Religious Council (DMARC) is launching a mobile food pantry with a recent $10,000 Amerigroup Foundation donation at CareMore Health’s Des Moines Care Center, 1530 East Euclid Avenue in Des Moines. DMARC’s mobile food pantry will be on-location at CareMore from 2:00-4:00pm on Wednesday, October 27, and will be there every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month following. Visitors to the mobile food pantry can select from a variety of healthy foods available. Once per calendar month, visitors can receive a 3-day supply of food based on family size, ...

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Help “Scare Away Hunger!” with DMARC this Halloween

Staff Spotlight: Luke Elzinga

Luke Elzinga joined DMARC in April of 2014. As Communications and Advocacy Manager, he writes and edits a variety of written material for print and web, designs print pieces and graphics, maintains, takes photos, produces videos, manages press outreach, leads DMARC's advocacy efforts, and other communications and advocacy tasks. Luke earned his BA in Advertising from Iowa State University. He previously served as an AmeriCorps VISTA member at Montana Legal Services Association in Helena, Montana. Luke is a 2017 fellow of the New Leaders Council Des ...

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