The generosity of the community continues to amaze as DMARC as has received a second challenge match of $150,000. This matching gift challenge will run from Dec 9 to Dec 31st. DMARC is grateful to the Ernest and Florence Sargent Family Foundation for this gift to support DMARC and help those who are struggling with food insecurity and commends the Sargent’s family’s commitment to serve diverse populations.
$320,245 RAISED
during the ‘unmatched’ $250,000 gift campaign. This unlocks the full potential of the $250,000 gift from the anonymous donor.
We are amazed at this community, you’ve inspired even more good news
Last month over 10,000 Iowa kids received food assistance from the DMARC Food Pantry Network. For the growing number of households facing economic hardship, our Network is a lifeline.
For these working families, every penny counts. That’s why your response to this growing need has amazed us so much… The generosity of this community has blown away our expectations and it’s prompted others to want to do even more.
DMARC is proud to announce a NEW and 2nd matching gifts campaign of $150,000 to help those struggling with food insecurity. The campaign will commence today, Monday, December 9th and will end December 31st, thanks to the Ernest and Florence Sargent Family Foundation.
DMARC is grateful to the Sargent family for making this second match possible and helping to meet the unprecedented food insecurity in our community, affecting families and children more than at any other time. We appreciate and commend your long-term commitment to serve people of diverse backgrounds.
10,496 IOWA KIDS
assisted by the DMARC Food Pantry Network during the month of November. Before this fall, we had previously never broken that threshold.