Statement on Shooting at Tree of Life Synagogue

The Des Moines Area Religious Council stands in solidarity with the Jewish community in Pittsburgh, Greater Des Moines, and across the world. We mourn the 11 victims who were killed by the horrific act of anti-Semitic violence at Tree of Life Synagogue, the deadliest attack against the American Jewish community in our nation’s history.

Words matter. We call on our member congregations to condemn any and all acts of religious violence and incitement. We call on our supporters to make their voices heard, and speak out against anti-Semitic bigotry. Finally, we call on our elected leaders to take a firm and vocal stand against anti-Semitism, white nationalism, xenophobia, other hateful philosophies, and the people who spread them.

Relationships matter. We call on all in our community to build connections with neighbors from across the religious spectrum. We must be intentional to create a community of warmth, appreciation, and cooperation where all people feel safe and are free to worship.

A vigil will be held by Tifereth Israel Synagogue, Temple B’nai Jeshurun, and Interfaith Alliance of Iowa on Monday, October 29, from 5:30-7:00pm at Tifereth Israel Synagogue, 924 Polk Boulevard in Des Moines. All are welcome to attend.