Have you noticed one of these red barrels in the grocery store where you shop?
Beginning in Des Moines area grocery stores in April of 1990, the Red Barrel program is a source of food for DMARC’s Food Pantry Network. Today the donation program is comprised of 25+ Red Barrels located throughout the Des Moines metro area, including Hy-Vee, Price Chopper, and Fareway grocery stores and other community and congregational sites. Each year the goal of this program is to collect over 100,000 food items through the Red Barrel Program.
Giving is as easy as….
- Buying a few extra items of food while you shop.
- Purchase a pre-packed $6/$12 ‘hunger sack’ at the register (select locations).
- Dropping them in the barrel on your way out of the store.
All food and personal care items collected by the Red Barrel Program supports the DMARC Food Pantry Network.

The Red Barrel Program started as, and continues to be, a volunteer-led initiative. Under the guidance of former DMARC director Rev. Forest Harms, local chapters of the Kiwanis Club helped build awareness and encourage participation in the early years of the program.

Become a Red Barrel Captain
Volunteer ambassadors continue that work today by serving as liaisons with individual stores. These ambassadors maintain the site, encourage promotions, and help us grow the program at new sites.
You can also host a ‘Sack Saturday’ at your local grocery store and encourage people to give during peak times of the year like holidays and the ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ Food Drive. This is a great opportunity for scout troops, youth teams, and religious groups.