Urbandale Food Pantry Moving

The Urbandale Food Pantry will be closed on Tuesday, March 25 through Friday, March. 31 as they prepare to move to their new location at 7901 Douglas Road.

Join us for any of these special events by participating, volunteering, or making a gift to help us grow our impact.

Spring Greens

  • April 10, 2025
  • Krause Gateway Center

DMARC’s signature fundraiser is held every spring and invites members of the community for an evening of food and fun. All proceeds will benefit the Des Moines Area Religious Council (DMARC), an interfaith organization committed to fighting food insecurity.

Stamp Out Hunger® food drive

  • May 10, 2025

On the second Saturday in May, be sure to leave out your donation of healthy, in-date, non-perishable food items to be picked up by your letter carrier. DMARC will be the local recipient of the Stamp Out Hunger® food drive in Greater Des Moines. In 2024, over 35,000 pounds of food were contributed through Stamp Out Hunger®. And if you forget to leave out your donation, don’t fret! You can make an online contribution to DMARC that will be credited to the Stamp Out Hunger® food drive.

Meals From the Market

  • April – October
  • Des Moines Downtown Farmers’ Market

Meals from the Market is a partnership with the Des Moines Downtown Farmers’ Market presented by UnityPoint Health – Des Moines which began in 2009. Volunteers visit vendors at the end of the market to collect any items that they would like to donate to local food pantries.

Since 2011, Meals from The Market has contributed more than 500,000 meals of fresh local food to people experiencing hunger and food insecurity in Greater Des Moines.


Iowa Cubs Sunday Home Games

  • April – September
  • Principal Park, Gate B

Take me out to the ball game! A special partnership with the Iowa Cubs allows baseball fans free admission to any Sunday home game (approx. 1 p.m. start time) with the donation of three food items to the DMARC Food Pantry. Donations can be made at the DMARC booth at Gate B. Games run from April through September and volunteers are needed to help at the booth. Those interested in volunteering can sign up online at dmarcunited.org/volunteer.

Annual Meeting

  • June 5, 2025

For years the Annual Meeting served as an opportunity for members of our voting delegation to help steer DMARC towards the best path forward to meet the basic needs of our community. Today this event serves as an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the last year while taking a look ahead at the strategic focus of our organization and show what ways we hope to make the biggest impact in the coming year. All are welcome!

Other Events

Des Moines’s premier Halloween event! For one night, residents of the historic Sherman Hill neighborhood will be going all out to decorate their homes with spooky scenes while collecting donations for the Des Moines Area Religious Council (DMARC) Food Pantry Network. Visitors can expect to see lots of creatures roaming the streets, Medieval knights, zombie spiders, Freddy Kruger, a full-size pirate ship, live performances of Thriller, and much more. This is a free event and attendees are asked to bring contributions of non-perishable food or donations to support the DMARC pantry. This event is all trick, no treat. Visit shermanhilldsm.org for more info.

Doug Woods Hunger Challenge no date

Every single person has the opportunity to make a positive difference in their community. Doug Woods was one such person who found delight in giving and made a lasting difference in his community. DMARC will forever be inspired by and grateful for his spirit of generosity.

The Doug M. Woods Memorial Hunger Challenge happens over the course of the month of March and is an excellent way to engage your congregation or small group with food insecurity in our community.

In the ten years since the first challenge, the event has raised a total of over 900k dollars in support of the DMARC Food Pantry Network over ten years. This total included over 2,000 gifts that were donated to DMARC because and as part of his challenge.

Souper Bowl of Caring Logo

Held every year in conjunction with the big game, the Souper Bowl of Caring is a national campaign that works to mobilize those looking to fight hunger and poverty in their own communities around the time of the big football game. In the weeks leading up to the game, you can fundraise or hold a food and funds drive.

DMARCh Madness email header

Take advantage of the Madness of March and get off the bench in the fight against food insecurity. This online hybrid event is held every year in the days leading up to the madness. Participants compete to win fun prizes by filling out a bracket online and making a $20 donation. Compete to win fun prizes while making a difference.

Are you a busy person who still wants to give back? Join us for happy hour at these quarterly meet-ups in a relaxed setting as we discuss ways to get involved on your own time. More information at our Facebook page.