Food donations may be dropped off at the DMARC Food Pantry Network Warehouse, located at 100 Army Post Road on the south side of Des Moines.
Please call the DMARC Food Pantry Network warehouse at (515) 277-6969 for questions about food donations and for special accommodations outside of regular business hours.
Monday – Friday 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m

Biggest needs:
- Peanut butter
- Fruit (canned in its own juice)
- Cereal (whole grain option)
things to remember
- Look for items with low sugar, fat and salt.
- Donate far before expiration.
- Larger sizes of diapers (size 4, 5, or 6) are needed the most.
Donations that go the farthest
- dry and canned beans
- canned vegetables
- canned fruit
- peanut butter
- canned meat
- pasta
- whole grain cereal
- rice
- pasta sauce
- soup
- non-meat proteins (tofu, nuts)
- fresh & frozen fruits
- frozen meat
- dairy products
- fresh & frozen vegetables
- whole grain bread items
- healthy frozen meals
- formula and baby food
- personal care products
- laundry detergent
- cleaning supplies
- toilet paper
- period products (tampons or pads)
- diapers (especially sizes 4, 5, 6, and up)
- baby wipes
Did you know …
Because of DMARC’s purchasing power, we often can purchase up to 6x the amount of food you can at the grocery store with the same dollar amount.
food donations vs. monetary donations
Journey of a food donation

The journey of a food donation, while essential, can be hindered by the need for
countless volunteers to ensure every item reaches those in need.
- Items are donated
- A volunteer picks up the items and delivers them to DMARC.
- Items are weighed and transported to DMARC sorting area
- Volunteers are recruited for ‘food sorting’
- Items are inspected and moved to sorting bins by volunteers
- sorted items are boxed up
- boxes are loaded onto pallets
- palletized items are wrapped, combined with similar bulk items
- pallets are scheduled for distribution to partner food pantries
- off they go!
- Guests shop for items at their local food pantry
Journey of your dollar

The most effective and efficient way to support our work! Cash lets us buy
exactly what we need at bulk prices, stretching resources and reducing waste.
- A donation is made by someone amazing like you!
- DMARC places an order with a wholesaler for our items of greatest needs
- orders arrive at our warehouse ready for local distribution
- food pantry partners place their weekly order for essentials
- Guests shop for items at their local food pantry