Hosting a food drive can be as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Contact our team before you start and when you finish your drive!

1. Planning your drive
Let us know how you want to help! Our team can set up online fundraising tools and provide other tailored resources to help you be successful.
Are you raising funds, food, both, or focusing on a specific need? Contact DMARC for more insights about seasonal needs. Funds can always go farther!
Setting a goal will motivate your team and give them a sense of accomplishment when the goal is met.
Does your workplace provide corporate contributions or matching gifts for employee donations/volunteer time?

2. Preparing for your drive
Determine how you will raise awareness of your drive.
flyers, emails and social media!
Let people know how the drive is progressing! Be sure to make one final push for donations before your drive is complete.
3. Launching your drive

collect donations
Whether it’s collecting bins of food or asking people to donate through a virtual drive, get your drive going and start gathering donations!

Almost done?
Here are just a few things to remember at the end of your drive to help wrap things up in the most efficient and effective way.
Find a way to volunteer or further grow your impact!
Package similar items together. Seperate food/ non-food items.
Let us know how your drive went and when you will be dropping off your donation.
Share your results with those who supported you…Tag us on social media!

Make it Fun!
Bringing people together around helping others isn’t always easy, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring! For ideas of how to spice up your drive and do something fun and unique, check out our ‘Food and Fund Drive Toolkit’.