Question 1
What percentage of food pantry visitors are unemployed adults?
Last fiscal year, only 19% of people recieving food assistance from DMARC were unemployed adults (18-64) the rest were children (35%, 0-17 years old), Seniors (8%, 65 and up), and working or disabled adults (38%).

Question 2
How many pantries does DMARC assist?
The DMARC Food Pantry Network is health-based and is the largest food pantry network in Iowa. DMARC manages a Food Pantry Network consisting of 14 separate partnering food pantry sites, a Mobile Food Pantry, home delivery service, and numerous community supporters supplying food pantry staples at no cost to these partners. Food pantry sites are located in every part of the metro: including Des Moines, Ankeny, Clive, Johnston, Urbandale and West Des Moines.

Question 3
How many Des Moines residents utilized a DMARC food pantry last year?
1 in 4 DSM residents recieved food assistance from the DMARC Food Pantry Network last fiscal year. While the majority of people utilizing a food pantry are from six zip codes (50310, 50314, 50315, 50316, 50317, 50320), There are people in every zip code in the Des Moines Metro seeking assistance. Food Insecurity can be just as prevalent in the suburbs as it is in urban areas.

Question 4
Is food insecurity getting better or worse?
Traffic at food pantries has grown substantially every year since 2020 and only continues to get worse today. The cost of living has grown rapidly due to inflation, leaving many people with little options. About 1 in 3 people are visiting a pantry for for the first time ever and many are visiting more frequently.

Question 5
Nearly half of everyone visiting a food pantry only does so ________ a year.
Many people utilizing a food pantry are facing a sudden change or loss in income and only need to visit the food pantry once or twice a year. This could be a lost job, major medical expense, or something as simple as a major car or home repair. Certain times of the year are more challenging like back to school and the winter holidays.

Question 6
What percentage of food pantry visitors are also recieving SNAP benefits (formerly known as food stamps)?
Only 35% of single adults visiting a food pantry in the last six months have also been receiving SNAP benefits.
Nearly everyone visiting a food pantry is not able to make their basic needs on income alone, but many also don’t qualify for food assistance like SNAP either. While nearly everyone utilizing the DMARC Food Pantry Network is income eligible, only 36% of individuals we assist are also currently getting SNAP benefits.

Question 7
What is the most effecient way to help?
These are all amazing ways to support DMARC! Our biggest value to the community is our ability to leverage economies of scale and buy food in bulk. When you make a donation of funds your impact goes farther!
With the same dollar amount, DMARC can purchase up to 6x more food through our warehouse operation than you could at the grocery store. This ensures that pantry staples are on the shelves everytime someone walks into their local food pantry.

Help meet the need.
Join us in meeting the basic human needs of our neighbors. Whatever your contribution, DMARC will use it effectively and efficiently right here in your community.

Host a Drive
Get your congregation, workplace or group engaged by hosting a food and fund drive.